Solar for EVs

The rise of solar-powered electric vehicles has been one of the most exciting developments in sustainable transportation in recent years. With the cost of solar panels falling and the efficiency of solar cells increasing, EVs are becoming more and more viable as a sustainable option for transportation. Moreover, using solar charging stations for EVs is the best you can do to save money and live environmentally-friendly.


Solar for EV charging

Solar can be a great option for powering your EV, as it is both cost-efficient and environmentally friendly. There may be some things you will need to consider before switching to Solar for EV charging. You’ll need to think about how much power you want to generate, your location, the amount of charge needed for your EV, etc.

If you’re only going to charge your EV at home, then a simple home solar system will do the trick. But if you want to be able to charge your EV away from home, then you’ll need to know where you can charge it whilst on-the-go.

How solar lowers electricity bills

It is no secret that solar panels produce renewable energy from the sun. That is then used to power your home. Solar energy helps combat rising energy costs by providing “free” electricity. Any excess solar energy can even be stored in batteries, charge an EV and for use at night or during a power outage.

Electricity companies typically charge more per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity during peak demand periods. However, everyone uses lots of electricity at the same time. But because solar panels produce electricity during the daytime – when demand is typically lower – you can offset some of your usage and avoid paying those high rates.

You can even get paid by selling extra energy. This is available in many states across the country. With net metering, any extra solar electricity you generate gets sent back to the grid, and your utility company will give you credits on your bill for that power. 

SunEnergy is the best solution

As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular choice for powering electric vehicles (EVs). SunEnergy Australia offers a unique solution that combines solar panels and EV charging stations. Therefore, making it the ideal choice for those looking to switch to solar power.

SunEnergy has a team of experts, who work with you to design a custom solar system. This system meets your specific needs. The list of reliable brands are designed to withstand the harshest weather conditions, making them perfect for use in all environments. You can get your solar system installed at $0 deposit with their amazing “Pay As You Save” program. 

With energy savings from day one. The personalised finance plans, efficient and durable products, and approval by the Clean Energy Council. SunEnergy is the one of the most sensible solutions for all your solar needs.

So if you’re looking for a solution for powering your EV, look no further than SunEnergy!